ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kashubian Americans

So, imagine you have a friend. Your friend’s grandparents were born in a place called Kashubia. Kashubia is a region in Europe, in a country called Poland. Your friend’s grandparents, who were Kashubian, decided to move to America a long time ago.

Now, your friend may not know it, but they are a Kashubian American. That means they were born in America, but their grandparents came from Kashubia. It’s like a mix of two cultures!

The Kashubians are a group of people who have their own language, traditions, and culture. They have a unique history and identity. Kashubians have lived in Poland for centuries, and they are very proud of their heritage.

However, many Kashubians decided to leave Poland and start a new life in America. They brought their customs and traditions with them and passed them down to their children and grandchildren.

Kashubian Americans are now a part of America’s melting pot, which means people from different backgrounds come together and create a new culture. They celebrate their Kashubian roots by participating in festivals, cooking traditional food, and telling stories about their ancestors.

So, to sum it up, Kashubian Americans are people who were born in America but have Kashubian heritage. They are proud of their culture and identity, and they bring their unique traditions and customs to the melting pot of American society.