ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A kenning is a fancy way of saying a word or phrase that stands in for another word or phrase.

Let's say we want to talk about a "ship", but we don't want to say "ship" every time we talk about it. We could use a kenning instead!

A kenning for "ship" might be "sea-steed". This phrase describes a ship as a creature that can move through the ocean like a horse moves across land.

Kenning is a form of poetry that often uses these kinds of metaphors to create a vivid and imaginative picture in the reader's mind. It was used by Old Norse and Anglo-Saxon poets, but still remains popular in modern-day literature and song lyrics.

So next time you read a poem or listen to a song, pay attention to the words - you might find some clever kennings hiding in there!
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