ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kett's Rebellion

Kett's Rebellion was a big problem that happened a long time ago. In the 1500s, there was a man named Robert Kett who was not happy with the way things were being run in his part of England.

Kett thought that land should belong to everyone, not just rich people. He also believed that people should be treated fairly and with respect, no matter how much money they had. Kett became a leader of people who agreed with him and they started to take action.

They took over a park in Norwich where a lot of people lived and set up their own little town. They even made their own flag! The government did not like this and sent soldiers to try to stop them.

Kett and his followers were not afraid and fought back. They built barricades out of sticks and stones to protect themselves. The soldiers tried to break through, but they had a hard time because the people of the little town were brave and fought hard.

Unfortunately, in the end, the government was too powerful and Kett and his followers were defeated. Kett was sadly executed for leading the rebellion. But, Kett's Rebellion made people think about how to treat others more fairly and it helped bring about change in the long run.