ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Key derivation function

A key derivation function is a special kind of math that helps you create secret codes. It's like when you play hide-and-seek and you come up with secret hiding places that nobody else can guess.

Imagine that you have a special secret code that you want to keep safe. Maybe it's a special secret handshake that only you and your best friend know. But what if your best friend moves away and you want to share your secret code with someone new?

This is where a key derivation function comes in. It's like a secret recipe that helps you create a new secret code that is based on your original code. Think of it like baking a cake – you start with some basic ingredients (your secret code) and then you add some special ingredients (the key derivation function) to make a new, delicious cake (your new secret code).

The key derivation function is really good at making sure that your new code is just as strong and secret as your original code. So even if someone learns your new code, they still won't be able to figure out your original code. And best of all, you can keep using your new code over and over again, every time you want to share secrets with someone new.