ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey kiddo, have you ever heard of a man named Keynes? He was a smart guy who lived many years ago and came up with ideas on how to help people during tough times when there is not enough money going around.

Imagine you have a bunch of toys that you like to play with, but one day you lose your toy money and can't buy new ones. You would be sad, right? Well, that's what happens to grown-ups too when they don't have enough money to buy the things they need like food, a house or clothes.

So, Keynes said that when lots of people don't have enough money to buy these things, the government should step in and help out by spending money to create jobs and pay people to do things like building new roads or schools. That way, people can start earning money again and use it to buy the things they need.

He also said that sometimes there can be too much spending going on, and prices go up too high, so the government should slow things down a little bit by collecting more taxes or spending less money. It's kind of like when you eat too much candy and feel sick, you slow down and eat less so you can feel better.

Keynes's ideas have helped many countries during tough times, and his name is still remembered today as a great thinker who wanted to help people.