ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Post-war consensus

After the Second World War, something called the "post-war consensus" emerged in many countries, especially in Europe. ELI5, post-war consensus means that politicians, government officials, and citizens agreed on some basic ideas and policies for how their country should be run.

Some of these ideas were:

1) Governments should play an important role in providing help to citizens.

2) There should be a strong welfare system that helps people when they are sick or unemployed.

3) The government should provide free education and healthcare.

4) Workers should have the right to come together and form unions to fight for better wages and better working conditions.

5) There should be a fair distribution of wealth, so that the rich don't get too rich, and the poor don't get too poor.

Many people believed that these ideas were important for creating a better society and ensuring that everyone had a fair chance in life.

The post-war consensus was shaped by the experiences of the war, which had shown people the importance of working together for common goals. It also reflected the fact that many people were not happy with the way things had been going before the war, and they wanted to create a better world.

Even though some of the policies and ideas of the post-war consensus have been challenged or changed over the years, many of them are still influential today. The post-war consensus helped shape the societies we live in today, and it continues to be an important part of our history and our ideas about how we should live together.