ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Khazar theory

Okay, kiddo, so some people believe that a long time ago, there was a group of people called the Khazars. They lived in a place that is now called Kazakhstan.

The Khazars were really interesting because they didn't belong to any specific religion. They kind of made up their own religion and it was a blend of different beliefs.

Now, some people think that the Khazars had a big impact on history because they were in a really important spot. They were in the middle of trade routes between Europe and Asia. Because of where they lived, they had contact with lots of different cultures and religions.

Some people even think that the Khazars helped to spread Judaism to other parts of the world. They might have even played a role in the development of modern Jewish communities in Europe and the Middle East.

But not everyone believes in the Khazar theory. Some people say that there isn't enough evidence to prove that the Khazars had such a big impact on history. So, it's still a bit of a mystery and people are still trying to figure it all out!