ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Killing Hope

Well, hope is like a really special feeling inside of us that helps us believe that good things can happen in the future. When someone takes away or destroys our hope, it feels like everything is dark and nothing good can happen anymore. It's like when you accidentally drop your ice cream cone and there's no way to fix it, you feel sad and disappointed because you were really looking forward to enjoying it.

Killing hope means that someone, or something, takes away or destroys that feeling of hope inside of us. It's like they tell us that something we really wanted or needed is never going to happen, or that things will only get worse from here on out. This can make us feel really afraid and stressed because we don't know what to do without hope.

But it's important to remember that even if someone tries to kill our hope, we can always find new things to hope for and things to look forward to. We can talk to people we trust, like our parents or friends, and they can help us find ways to keep hope alive. We can also remind ourselves that just because things look bad right now, it doesn't mean they will always be bad. Sometimes good things can still happen, even when it seems impossible.