ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, so when we watch sumo wrestling, we see the big, strong wrestler push and pull each other, right? And sometimes they even make each other fall down! Well, kimarite is a special word that sumo wrestlers use to describe the way they win a match or make their opponent fall down.

It's kind of like a secret code for the different moves they use. There are lots and lots of different kimarite! Some are really simple, like a push or a pull. Others are more complex, like a twist or a throw.

When a wrestler uses a kimarite to win a match or make their opponent fall down, the referee announces it for everyone to hear. It's kind of like saying "hey, this wrestler used this move to win!"

So, basically, kimarite is a fancy word that sumo wrestlers use to talk about the different moves they use to win matches. Pretty cool, huh?