ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kinesis (biology)

Kinesis in biology is like a special way that animals move around when they are looking for something. Let's say you're outside and you see a bunch of ants moving around randomly. They might be looking for food or trying to find a new place to live.

Kinesis means that the ants are moving around faster or slower depending on how much they smell or sense food or a good place to live. If they don't smell anything, they might just keep moving around randomly.

But if they sense a lot of food or a very good place to live, they might start moving around really quickly in one direction. This is because they want to find the food or good home as quickly as possible.

Basically, kinesis is like a special instinct that helps animals follow their instincts to find what they need to survive. It's like playing a game of "hot and cold" with your nose, and the animal is trying to get as "hot" as possible to find what it needs.