ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

King's Daughters

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago, when there were kings and queens ruling over countries, sometimes the king would have a daughter. Now, the king might be worried about what will happen to his daughter if he dies or if he can't take care of her anymore. So, he might make a special rule called a "dowry" that says when his daughter gets married, he will give her a "dowry" - a special gift of money or property - to help her and her new husband start their life together.

But sometimes, the king might not be able to afford to give a dowry to his daughter. So, he might ask some important and wealthy people in his kingdom to donate money to help his daughter. Those people who donated money would be known as "benefactors". These donations were really helpful to the king's daughter because it meant she could still get married and have a good life even if her dad didn't have a lot of money.

Over time, these donations from benefactors became really important and special, and people started calling the king's daughters who received them "King's Daughters". It was a way to show respect and acknowledgment for the generosity of the benefactors who helped support the king's daughters.

In some places, this tradition of supporting King's Daughters continues even today, where people still donate money to help young women who need a little extra help. And that, my young friend, is the story of King's Daughters!