ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kisa Gotami

Once upon a time, there was a lady called Kisa Gotami. She was very sad because her only son had died. She was crying and crying, and she did not know what to do.

One day, she heard that there was a very wise man called Buddha who could help her. She decided to go and see him to ask for his advice.

When Kisa Gotami met Buddha, she told him about her son and how sad she was. Buddha listened to her very carefully, and then he said to her: "I can help you, but you need to do something for me".

Kisa Gotami was happy to do anything that could help her. So Buddha said to her: "I need you to go and find me a mustard seed from a house where there has never been any death".

Kisa Gotami was a little confused because she did not know how to find a house where there had never been any death. But she decided to try anyway.

She started to go from house to house, asking people if anyone there had ever died. Everyone she spoke to, told her that someone had died in their house at some point. She went from village to village, but everywhere she went, she found out that death had visited every home at some point.

Finally, Kisa Gotami realized the lesson that Buddha had been teaching her. Death is something that happens to everyone. No one can escape it, and so everyone experiences it at some point.

When she realized this, she felt much better, and she went back to Buddha and thanked him for his advice. She understood that death was a natural part of life, and everyone had to face it. She learned to accept what had happened to her son and move on with her life.