ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Klang (Stockhausen)

Klang is a type of music that was created by a man named Karlheinz Stockhausen. Klang is a German word that means "sound" in English. Stockhausen wanted to make music that was different than what people were used to hearing.

Stockhausen's Klang is a really long piece of music that is divided into 24 parts or "hours". Each hour has a special name and is supposed to represent different things like planets, animals, or even colors. Each hour also has its own unique sounds, rhythms, and melodies.

To make Klang, Stockhausen used different types of instruments, like pianos, synthesizers, and even sounds from nature. He also used technology to manipulate the sounds and create interesting effects, like echoes or reverberations.

Klang is not like most other types of music you might hear on the radio. It doesn't have a catchy chorus or lyrics you can sing along to. Instead, Klang is more like a journey that takes you on a musical adventure through different sounds, moods, and ideas.

While some people might find Klang a bit strange or hard to understand at first, many people think it is really cool and interesting. It shows us that music can be all kinds of things, and that there are endless possibilities for what music can be.