ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you heard of kojiki? It's a super important book that tells stories of Japan from a really long time ago. It's like a big history book but with some really cool myths and legends too.

You know how we learn about history in school? Well, in Japan they have their own history too, and kojiki is one of the oldest books that tells that story. It was written by some really smart people a really, really long time ago, and it's been passed down through generations of Japanese people.

In kojiki, there are lots of stories about the gods and goddesses who created the world and all the things in it. They're kind of like superheroes, and they each have their own special powers and stories about how they helped humans.

There are also stories about famous heroes and warriors who fought in battles long ago. And even some stories about how different parts of Japan got their names and how different traditions started.

So you see, kojiki is a really important book that helps Japanese people understand and remember their history and culture. And it's also really interesting to learn about all the stories and myths that are in it!