ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hare of Inaba

Once upon a time, there was a hare (a kind of fluffy animal) named Inaba who lived on an island in Japan. He was very proud of his long and impressive fur coat, and would often show it off to his animal friends.

One day, a group of animals from nearby islands came to visit Inaba on his island. They were very impressed by his fur and praised him for it. But there was one animal, a shark, who was jealous and wanted to play a trick on Inaba.

The shark suggested to Inaba that they should have a dance contest to see who could dance the longest. Inaba agreed and they began to dance. However, the shark had a secret plan. Unknown to Inaba, the shark had invited a bunch of other sharks to come and hide under the water, waiting for the right moment to attack.

Eventually, Inaba got tired and lay down to rest. That's when the sharks attacked, tearing his fur coat to pieces. Inaba was so humiliated at being tricked that he ran away to hide.

But his animal friends came to find him and console him. They told him that what made him special was not his fur coat, but his good heart and kind nature. Inaba realized that they were right and felt much better.

From then on, Inaba was known for his inner beauty and not for his outer appearance. The lesson of the story is that it's what's on the inside that counts.