ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kruithof curve

The Kruithof curve is a fancy name for how different lights make us feel. You know how sometimes a bright light can hurt your eyes and make you feel uncomfortable? And other times, a dim light can make you feel tired and sleepy? That's what the Kruithof curve is all about!

Think of it like the temperature outside. When it's really hot outside, you might feel sweaty and uncomfortable, but when it's cold, you might want to snuggle up in a cozy blanket. Different lights can make us feel the same way. If a light is too bright or too dim, it can make us feel uncomfortable or sleepy.

Scientists have studied how different lights can make us feel and they found that there's a sweet spot where the light is just right. It's not too bright and not too dim. When the light is just right, it makes us feel happy and comfortable.

So, next time you turn on a light, think about how it makes you feel. Is it too bright? Too dim? Or just right? If it's not just right, try adjusting the light until it is. Your eyes and your mood will thank you!
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