ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Krypton is a gas that is found in the air around us, although it is very rare. It is part of a group of gases called "noble gases", which means they are very stable and don't react with other things easily.

Krypton is named after a Greek word that means "the hidden one". This is because it is very hard to see and find in the air, and it was only discovered in 1898 by Sir William Ramsay and Morris Travers.

Krypton is also a colorless and odorless gas, which means you can't see it or smell it. It has a symbol in the periodic table, which is Kr, and it is number 36, which means it has 36 electrons and 36 protons.

One of the interesting things about krypton is that it can glow when electricity is passed through it. This is why it is sometimes used in things like neon lights and fluorescent lamps. When the electricity passes through krypton, it gets excited and emits light, which makes it glow.

Krypton is also used in things like lasers, as well as in some types of photography. It can also be used in a process called "double glazing", which helps to insulate windows and keep homes and buildings warm.

Overall, krypton is a very interesting gas that is not only rare and hard to find, but also has some cool and useful properties that help to make things like lights, lasers, and windows work better.