ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kuba divination

Kuba divination is a way for people in the Kuba community to try to predict the future or understand why certain things are happening to them. Basically, it's like asking a magic 8 ball but with more steps and rituals.

The process usually involves gathering some special things like cowrie shells (small, white shells) and lots of natural materials like leaves, sticks, and animal bones. The person doing the divination will arrange these things in a certain way and then ask questions or make statements about what they want to know.

Then, depending on how the shells and other objects are arranged and what patterns they form, the diviner will give an interpretation of what it means. For example, if the shells are arranged in a certain way, it might mean that good fortune is coming or that someone should be cautious of a particular situation.

It's important to note that Kuba divination isn't just about predicting the future, but also about understanding the past and present. It's a way for people to try to make sense of their lives and the world around them.