ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kugel ball

A kugel ball is a special toy that is made to be really bouncy and fun to play with! It is a ball that is made out of transparent plastic or glass, so you can see inside of it. If you look carefully, you will see that there is another ball inside of the big ball!

The inside ball is usually made out of metal or another heavy material, and it is perfectly balanced so it can slide around inside the outer ball without touching the sides or getting stuck. This makes it so the kugel ball can wobble and bounce around in all sorts of fun ways!

Some people also like to use kugel balls as decorations because they look really cool when they catch the light. They can spin and reflect colors and even create rainbows if the light hits them just right!

So to sum it up, a kugel ball is a fun toy that bounces and wobbles around, and it also makes a great decoration!