Kupua is a word used in the Hawaiian culture to describe people who have special powers or abilities. Imagine that some people have superpowers, like the ones you see in movies or read about in comic books. In Hawaiian culture, kupua are those people who have superpowers, but they're not like the superheroes you see on TV.
Sometimes, kupua are people who are very skilled hunters or fishermen. They might be able to catch more fish than other people, or they might be really good at tracking animals in the forest. Other times, kupua might be skilled healers who understand how to use plants and herbs to make people feel better. Some kupua might even be able to control the weather or talk to animals!
Kupua are seen as important members of the Hawaiian community because they help to take care of people and the environment. They use their special abilities to make the world a better place, and people respect them for that. So, just like how you might look up to your favorite superheroes, Hawaiian people also admire and appreciate their kupua!