ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

LA-2A Leveling Amplifier

Okay kiddo, have you heard of a thing called a speaker that makes sounds?

Sometimes when we listen to music or someone talk on a microphone, their voice or the instruments are too loud or too quiet. That's where a special tool called a "leveling amplifier" comes in handy.

One of the most famous and widely used leveling amplifiers is called the "LA-2A." It was built a long time ago, but people still use it today because it does its job really well.

It works kind of like a robot that listens to the sound coming out of the microphone or speaker and decides if it needs to turn it up or down so that it sounds just right.

The LA-2A has some cool knobs that let you control how much it turns up or down the sound, and you can also adjust how fast or slow it reacts to changes in the sound.

Overall, the LA-2A is a really helpful tool for making sure that music and voices sound just right and are not too loud or too quiet.