ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

LCD television

An LCD TV is like a big screen that you can watch your favorite shows on. It's called an LCD because of the technology it uses to create the pictures you see.

Inside the TV, there are lots of tiny cells that have liquid crystals in them. When electricity passes through these cells, the crystals move around and block or let light through. This is what creates the different colors and shapes that you see on the screen.

The TV also has a light behind the cells that shines through them to brighten up the pictures you see.

When you change the channel or adjust the settings on your TV, it sends signals to the cells to change the way they let light through. That's how you see different pictures and colors on your screen.

So, when you turn on your LCD TV, the electricity makes tiny crystals move around and create pictures that come to life on your screen.