ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

LGBT and politics in Japan

Okay, so imagine that there are different types of people in the world. Some people are boys, some people are girls, and some people feel like they are both or neither. These are called "gender identities."

Now, imagine that some girls like boys and some like girls. Some boys like girls and some like boys. And some people like both or neither. These are called "sexual orientations."

In Japan, some people who have different gender identities and sexual orientations are called the "LGBT community." They have different experiences than other people because some people in Japan don't understand or accept them.

Now, imagine that there are people in Japan who make rules and laws that everyone has to follow. They are called "politicians." Sometimes, politicians make rules that help the LGBT community and sometimes they make rules that people in the LGBT community don't like.

For example, in Japan, some politicians have made laws that say it's okay for two people who love each other, no matter their gender, to get married. This is called "marriage equality." But some politicians have said that they don't think marriage should be allowed for same-sex couples and that the laws should only apply to men and women.

So, politics in Japan can affect the LGBT community in different ways. Sometimes, laws help people in the LGBT community feel accepted and welcomed. But sometimes, laws can make it harder for them to live and love the way they want to.