ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

La Matanza (1910–1920)

La Matanza is a very sad and scary time in history that happened in Mexico a long time ago, from 1910 to 1920. It was a time when lots of people were hurt and killed because they had different ideas and beliefs than the government. This made the government very angry and they did horrible things to these people.

Imagine you are playing with your friends and someone doesn't like the game you are playing so they get very angry and start to hurt everyone who is playing. This is what happened in La Matanza, except it was the government hurting and killing anyone who didn't agree with them. Many people lost their homes and belongings and had to run away to get away from the violence.

It's important to remember this time in history so we can learn from it and make sure it doesn't happen again. We should always try to listen to other people's ideas and beliefs, even if we don't agree with them. And we should always try to be kind and not hurt others just because they are different from us.