ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

La Tene culture

La Tene culture was a way that people in Europe lived a long, long time ago. They had a special style of making things like jewelry, weapons, and decorations. The word "La Tene" comes from a place in Switzerland where archeologists found a lot of these things.

The La Tene people were very good at making things out of metal, especially iron. They made beautiful swords, shields, and even helmets that looked like the heads of animals. They also made necklaces, bracelets, and other jewelry that had designs that looked like twisting vines and other natural shapes.

The La Tene people lived in villages and sometimes built forts to protect themselves from enemies. They had their own language and religion, which we don't know much about.

People who study history can learn a lot from the things that the La Tene people made. We can learn about what was important to them and how they lived, even though they lived a very long time ago.