ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Labor-time calculation

Hi there! Do you know what time is? It's how we measure how long things take. For example, if we say it takes 1 minute to brush our teeth, that's 1 minute of time.

Now, imagine you have a lemonade stand and you want to figure out how much to charge for each cup. To do this, you need to know how much time and effort you put into making each cup of lemonade, right?

That's where labor-time calculation comes in. It's a way to measure how much time and effort you put into making something. It's like counting up all the minutes it takes you to make a cup of lemonade, and all the minutes it takes you to clean up afterwards, and using that information to figure out how much you should charge for each cup.

And it's not just for lemonade stands - this is something businesses use all the time to figure out pricing and budgets. By calculating the labor time of their employees, they can do things like set prices for products, figure out how much they need to pay each employee, and plan for future projects.

So, in summary, labor-time calculation is a way to measure how much time and effort went into making something, so that businesses can figure out how much to pay their employees and how much to charge for products.