ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lacrimal apparatus

The lacrimal apparatus is basically the system in our eyes that helps us make and release tears. You know how sometimes you might cry when you're sad or happy? That's because of the lacrimal apparatus!

So, there are a few different parts of the lacrimal apparatus. First, there are these little glands in our eyelids called the lacrimal glands. They produce the watery part of our tears. Then, there are some special cells in our eyes called goblet cells that produce a sticky substance that helps our tears stick to our eyes.

When we blink, our eyelids kind of spread our tears all over our eyeballs. But eventually, we need to get rid of all that liquid so it doesn't overflow, right? That's where the other parts of the lacrimal apparatus come in.

There are tiny openings in our eyelids called the lacrimal puncta. Tears spill over these puncta and into little tubes called the lacrimal canals. These canals lead to a small sac called the lacrimal sac. Finally, there's a duct called the nasolacrimal duct that connects the lacrimal sac to our nose. That's why when we cry a lot, our nose might start to run too!

So, there you have it - the lacrimal apparatus is what helps us make, spread, and get rid of tears! Hope that helps, kiddo!