ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Laika was a little dog who lived a long, long time ago. People wanted to send her up into space to see if living things could go up there and come back down okay.

Now, space is very, very different from Earth. There is no air to breathe and no gravity to hold us down. This means that astronauts need special gear to breathe and move around up there.

When Laika went up into space, she didn't have any special gear to help her breathe or move around. This made it hard for her to live up there, and she passed away after a short time.

Although it's sad that Laika didn't have a happy ending, her mission helped scientists learn more about what it takes for living things to survive in space. She will always be remembered as the first dog to go to space, and her bravery and sacrifice is honored by many people around the world.