ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lambda lifting

Lambda lifting is like when you're playing a game with your friends and you want to make a new rule but you don't want to have to keep repeating it every time you play. So, you decide to make a big sign that explains the rule and you hang it up for everyone to see.

In computer programming, lambda lifting is a way to take some code that gets repeated a lot and make it into a single function that can be reused. Imagine that you have some code that adds up two numbers, but you have to do it in a lot of different places in your program. Instead of copying the same code over and over, you can make a function that does the adding for you.

But sometimes, when you create a function, it might need to use some variables or other things that are only available inside another function. That's where lambda lifting comes in. Lambda lifting takes those variables and moves them out of the original function into the new function you just created. This makes it possible for the new function to use those variables without having to be inside the original function.

So, just like making a sign with a new rule for your game, lambda lifting helps you make reusable code that you only have to write once instead of copying it over and over. It also helps you make sure that your code doesn't get too messy or confusing by keeping everything organized in separate functions.