ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Land run

A long time ago, when there was a lot of empty land in the western part of the United States, the government made a plan for people to claim their own piece of land. They marked off areas of land and told people they could have a piece of it if they were fast enough to get there first.

On the day of the land run, lots of people crowded around the borders of the marked-off area. When the starting signal was given, they all ran as fast as they could towards the land, trying to be the first one to reach a good spot to claim for their own. Some people ran on foot, while others rode horses or even drove wagons or buggies.

Once people had claimed their share of land, they had to make it theirs by building a home, planting crops, and taking care of their new property. The land run allowed many people to get their own piece of land and start a new life in the western part of America.