ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lanterman–Petris–Short Act

The Lanterman-Petris-Short Act (LPS) is a California law that helps protect people who have mental health issues from being locked up in hospitals unnecessarily.

To understand it better, let's imagine that you feel really sad or scared or angry all the time and it's hard for you to function in your daily life. Sometimes you might even feel like hurting yourself or others. This is called a mental illness.

Before the LPS act, when people with mental illness were having a hard time, doctors could keep them in hospitals for a long time without a good reason, even if they weren't really dangerous to themselves or others. This wasn't fair because it took away people’s freedom and it didn't always help them get better.

The LPS act helps make sure that people with mental illness don't lose their rights and freedom just because they are struggling. It says that doctors and hospitals can only keep someone in the hospital if they are a danger to themselves or others, or if they can't care for themselves on their own.

This law also says that people with mental illness have the right to be involved in their treatment and have a say in their own care. It gives them the chance to speak up and tell doctors what they need to feel better.

Overall, the LPS act helps protect people with mental illness and makes sure they get the help they really need, while still giving them the freedom to make choices about their own treatment.