ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


"Larries" is a nickname or label that some fans of One Direction, a British boy band, call themselves. It comes from the term "Larry Stylinson," which is a fan-created romantic pairing between two members of the band, Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles. The nickname "Larries" is used to describe those fans who support and believe in this romantic pairing.

To put it simply, imagine if you like two characters from your favorite cartoon show, and you think they would be a good couple. That's sort of what Larries do with Louis and Harry from One Direction. They like them both, and they want them to be in a romantic relationship. Some Larries also believe that Louis and Harry are already in a secret relationship, even though the band members have never confirmed it.

Being a Larrie is just one way that fans express their support for One Direction. Some people might wear a t-shirt with the band's logo, make fan art of their favorite band members, or go to their concerts. However, not all One Direction fans are Larries, and not all Larries agree on every detail. It's just one way that some fans connect with the band and each other.
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