ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Laser ablation electrospray ionization

Okay, kiddo! Let's talk about lasers and how they can help us analyze tiny things.

Have you ever used a magnifying glass to look at tiny objects like a bug or a leaf up close? The laser works kind of like that.

Laser ablation is when we use a powerful laser beam to zap a material and turn it into a gas. This gas is made up of tiny bits of that material, like dust or powder.

Electrospray ionization is when we use an electric charge to turn those tiny bits of gas into something called ions. Think of ions like little electrically charged bubbles.

So when we combine laser ablation and electrospray ionization, we can take a solid material and turn it into a gas with the laser, then use electricity to turn that gas into ions.

Why do we want to do this? Because we can use those ions to learn more about the material. We can measure the mass and charge of the ions to figure out what the material is made of and how it behaves.

Scientists use laser ablation electrospray ionization to study all sorts of things, from rocks and minerals to proteins and molecules. It helps us learn more about the world around us, all thanks to the power of lasers and electricity!