ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Latin American integration

Latin American integration is like a big, happy family of countries in Central and South America that want to work together, just like how brothers and sisters in a family help each other out. They want to be friends and trade with each other, just like how you share toys and games with your siblings.

For example, let's say that Colombia has lots of bananas and Ecuador has lots of coffee. If they work together, Colombia can trade some bananas with Ecuador for some coffee, and both countries will have more variety of food to eat. This is called "economic integration" and it's like sharing snacks with your siblings.

Another way Latin America can integrate is by working together to solve problems. Just like how siblings might help each other with homework, the countries can work together to keep each other safe and healthy. They can share resources and knowledge to fight against things like poverty, crime, and disease.

To make sure that everyone is on the same page in this big, happy family of countries, there are organizations like the Union of South American Nations and the Central American Integration System. These organizations help the countries work together and make decisions as a group, just like how parents might make decisions for the whole family.

Overall, Latin American integration is like a family of countries who want to work together, help each other out, and make sure everyone is happy and healthy.