ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lattice of subgroups

Imagine you have a group of toys and you want to put them into smaller groups. You can make different subgroups by choosing different toys to go in each group. For example, you can put all the cars in one subgroup and all the dolls in another subgroup. These subgroups can have different sizes and may overlap with each other.

Now, imagine you want to organize these subgroups in a special way. This is where the lattice of subgroups comes in. A lattice is like a special structure where you can see all the subgroups and how they relate to each other.

In our toy example, imagine we have three subgroups: cars, dolls, and balls. The lattice of subgroups would show us that cars and dolls are both subgroups of the larger group of toys, and that balls are a smaller subgroup inside the group of toys. We can see that the cars and dolls subgroups don't overlap with each other, but they both overlap with the larger toy subgroup.

This lattice structure helps us see how the different subgroups relate to each other and how they fit together within the larger group. It can also help us understand more complex mathematical concepts related to groups and subgroups.