ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Law of Canada

Okay, so you know how sometimes grown-ups have rules for you to follow? Like, you have to clean your room or you can't have dessert? Well, Canada is a really big place with lots of grown-ups, and those grown-ups also have rules that they have to follow.

All those rules put together are called the Law of Canada, and it's supposed to help keep everyone safe and treat everyone fairly. There are different kinds of laws for different things, like laws about how fast you can drive a car, laws about how companies can treat their workers, and even laws about what's okay to say and do (like not hurting someone's feelings on purpose).

All of these laws are written down and explained in a big book called the Canadian Constitution. It's kind of like a really long instruction manual for how the country is supposed to work. But sometimes, things change or new situations come up, so the government might need to add new rules or change old ones. When they do that, the new rules go into another book called the Law Reform Act.

If someone breaks one of these laws, like by going too fast in their car, they might have to go to court and be judged by a judge. The judge will listen to both sides of the story and decide if the person really did break the law and what the punishment should be.

So, that's basically what the Law of Canada is. It's all the rules that grown-ups follow to keep everyone safe and fair, and they're written down in books called the Canadian Constitution and the Law Reform Act.