ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A lazaretto is a special place where sick people can go to get better without spreading their germs to other people. It's like a big hospital, but only for people with contagious illnesses.

Back in the olden days (a long, looong time ago), when people would get sick with diseases like smallpox, measles, or even the plague, there weren't many medicine or vaccines to help them feel better. So, if someone got sick, they would have to go to a lazaretto until they were all better.

A lazaretto is usually far away from other towns, cities, or villages. It's a bit like a quarantine, which is when people stay away from other people to avoid getting them sick. Nowadays, lazarettos aren't really used anymore because we have better medicine and vaccines to help keep people healthy. But back then, they were really important to keep everyone safe!