ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lazarus syndrome

The Lazarus syndrome is a very rare medical condition where a person who has been declared dead, suddenly returns to life without any medical explanation. Imagine you had a doll and you thought that the doll was broken and stopped working. Suddenly, the doll comes back to life and starts moving all by itself, just like the Lazarus syndrome!

This doesn't happen to everyone who dies, it is very rare, and not a lot of people know about it. Usually, when someone is declared dead, it means their heart has stopped beating and they have stopped breathing, and their brain has stopped working. But in some very rare cases, a person's heart can start beating again after it has stopped.

The exact cause of the Lazarus syndrome is not fully understood. Some people think it might be due to changes in blood pressure, oxygen levels, or other factors that make it possible for the heart to start beating again. Doctors are still trying to learn more about this condition so that they can better understand how to treat it and help people who experience it.

Although the Lazarus syndrome may seem like something out of a movie, it is a very real medical condition that can happen to some people. But, do not worry about it too much, because it is very rare and not something you need to be afraid of.