ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lazy learning

Hey kiddo, have you ever heard about a type of learning called lazy learning? It's a way of learning where you don't actually study everything beforehand, instead you just wait until a question is asked and then you quickly find the answer.

So let's say your teacher was telling you about what a dog looks like and shows you lots of pictures of different dogs. You don't really have to remember anything about the dogs, but if someone asks you what a dog looks like, you'd quickly remember the pictures your teacher showed you and then tell them what you know.

This is kind of like how lazy learning works. Instead of studying a bunch of things that you might not even need to use, you only focus on learning what you really need to know and keep the information stored somewhere where you can quickly find it when you need it.

It's like having an encyclopedia or a book with all the answers to any question you might ever have. You don't have to memorize everything, but you just have to know where to look when you need the answers.

So there you go, that's lazy learning explained in a way that even a 5-year-old could understand.