ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Le Livre noir du colonialisme

Okay kiddo, have you heard of a book called "Le Livre Noir du Colonialisme"? It's a book about the history of European countries and their colonization of other places in the world.

Imagine you and your friend go to a playground and you decide that you want to control all the toys. You take away all the toys from your friend and give them rules to follow when playing. That's kind of what European countries did when they colonized other countries around the world. They wanted to control all the resources and people in those places.

Now, this book talks about how those colonial countries were really mean and did a lot of bad things to the people they colonized. They didn't treat them with respect or kindness. In fact, they forced them to work hard without any pay, and sometimes even treated them like slaves.

The book talks about how those people who were colonized fought back and tried to get their freedom and independence. They wanted to be treated like human beings with respect and dignity.

The author of the book wanted to show the world how bad colonialism was and how it affected the lives of so many people. He wanted everyone to know the truth about what really happened during those times.

So, kiddo, in short, "Le Livre Noir du Colonialisme" is a book that talks about the history of colonization and how it affected people's lives.