Imagine a really long, stretchy spaghetti noodle that goes all throughout a big building, like a school or a hospital. This spaghetti noodle is called a "leaky feeder" because it's made of special wires that are designed to let signals from radios and phones travel through them.
When someone wants to use their phone or radio in the building, their signal goes through the wires in the leaky feeder, kind of like a straw. The signal can go upstairs, downstairs, and all around the building because the leaky feeder is like a big, long stretchy string that's reaching everywhere.
But the special wires inside the leaky feeder are called "leaky" because they don't keep all the signals inside them. Instead, some of the signals are allowed to escape out of the wires and spread out into the building like a big cloud or bubble of signal. This allows lots of people to use their phones or radios at the same time without any problems.
So a leaky feeder is basically like a really long spaghetti noodle that lets signals from radios and phones travel through it, and allows lots of people to use their devices at the same time without any issues.