ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Leapfrog integration

Leapfrog integration is like playing a game of tag with your friends. You start by standing still (like a stationary object in space) and then you take one big leap forward while your friend tags you (like an object in motion). Then you pause for a moment before taking another big leap forward while your friend tags you again. This keeps going back and forth, with you pausing in between each leap, until either you or your friend gets tired and stops.

Now imagine if you were keeping track of your position during the game using a piece of paper and a pen. Every time you took a big leap forward, you would write down how far you traveled and in which direction (whether you leaped to the left, right, forward or backward). Then, after each pause, you would add up all your previous leaps to figure out your new position.

This is the basic idea behind leapfrog integration, except instead of playing tag with your friends, you're tracking the movement of an object in space. Rather than taking big leaps, you use mathematical equations to predict how far the object will move and in what direction based on its current velocity and acceleration. Then, using these predictions, you can calculate the object's new position and velocity after a certain amount of time has passed.

Like playing tag, leapfrog integration involves taking "leaps" (in this case, mathematical calculations) and pausing in between each one to update the object's position and velocity. It's a very efficient way to simulate the movement of objects in space, especially over long periods of time. But just like playing tag, it can start to get tiring after a while, especially if you're dealing with a lot of objects moving around at the same time.