ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Learner's permit

When you're learning to drive a car, it's important to start with a special license called a learner's permit. This license lets you practice driving with the help of someone who already knows how to drive.

A learner's permit is a piece of paper that lets you legally operate a car under certain conditions. It's like a special permission slip that says you can practice driving, but you have to follow some extra rules to make sure you stay safe.

For example, you might have to drive with an adult who has a regular driver's license in the car with you. You might also have to stick to certain roads or hours of the day when you're allowed to practice driving.

The point of a learner's permit is to give you a chance to learn how to drive a car without putting yourself or others in danger. It's kind of like training wheels on a bicycle. You start with some extra help, and over time you get more and more confident until you can drive on your own with a regular driver's license.