ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Learning Ally

Learning Ally is like having your own personal library filled with audiobooks. But these books aren't just any books; they are books that are very helpful for people who have trouble reading printed words, such as people with dyslexia, blindness, or other reading difficulties.

When you open up Learning Ally's library, you'll find lots of different books, including textbooks, literature, and even test preparation guides. And instead of reading each page, you'll listen to someone else read it out loud to you. This means that you can learn and read just like everyone else, even if you can't read the printed words on the page.

Learning Ally is really helpful because it can help people with reading difficulties feel more confident and successful in school and in life. It is like having a superpower that can help you overcome any challenges that you might face when it comes to reading or learning.