ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Learning by doing

Learning by doing is like learning how to ride a bike. When you ride a bike for the first time, you may fall a few times and it may be hard to keep your balance. But the more you practice, the easier it becomes to ride the bike. This is because you are learning by doing. Instead of someone telling you how to ride the bike, you are figuring it out on your own through trial and error.

In other words, learning by doing means that you learn something by actually doing it, rather than just hearing about it or watching someone else do it. It's like practicing a new skill, such as playing an instrument or playing a sport. The more you practice and try things out, the more you will learn and improve.

Learning by doing is important because it allows you to gain hands-on experience and develop problem-solving skills. It also helps you to remember things better because you are actively engaged in the learning process. So, the next time you want to learn something new, try doing it yourself and see how much you can learn on your own!