ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lee v Lee's Air Farming Ltd

Ok kiddo, so once upon a time there was a man named Lee and he owned a farming company called Lee's Air Farming Ltd. Lee was both the owner and the only employee of the company. This means that he owned the company and worked for the company too.

One day, Lee tried to make a contract between himself (as the owner) and himself (as the employee) to pay himself for his work. But the law said that a person can't make a contract with themselves because they are the same person.

Lee got in trouble with the law because he tried to make a contract with himself. This is because the law considers a company to be a separate "person" from the owner. So you can't make a contract between two things that are actually the same thing.

Basically, Lee got in trouble for trying to do something that the law doesn't allow. And that's why it's important to follow the rules and laws, even if it might seem like it's not fair sometimes.