ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Legislative assembly

A legislative assembly is a group of people who get together to make important decisions that affect lots of people. Think of it like a big group project for your class, but instead of just deciding what color to paint the class bulletin board, they make really big decisions like how much money the government should spend on schools or if new laws should be made.

These people are called lawmakers or legislators, and they work in a special building called the Capitol. They represent different parts of the country called districts or constituencies. When they meet together, they talk about ideas and proposals from their districts and vote on whether they should become laws or not.

Just like how you vote for class president or which book to read at storytime, the lawmakers get to vote on different laws that affect everyone in the country. If more lawmakers vote yes than no, then the law passes and is put into action.

It might sound a little bit boring, but it’s really important because the laws they make can have a big impact on everyone’s lives. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to what the lawmakers are talking about and to make sure that they’re making good decisions.