ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lepa (ship)

Okay kiddo, imagine a very big box that can float in the water, we call that box a ship. Now, lepa is a type of ship that is very traditional in a place called the Philippines. It is usually made of bamboo and pieces of wood that are tied together tightly with coconut fiber ropes. The cool thing about lepa is that it doesn't have any nails or screws, just ropes!

Lepa ships are often used by fishermen to catch fish because they can sail close to the shore without getting stuck on rocks. Sometimes, people would even live on their lepa ships and sail around the sea to explore other places.

Nowadays, there are modern ships made of metal and powered by engines that can travel faster and farther than lepa ships. But lepa ships still have a special place in the hearts of the people in the Philippines, because they represent their rich culture and history.
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