ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, a leper is someone who has a skin disease called leprosy. Leprosy is caused by bacteria that can make a person's skin and nerves not work like they should. This can make the person lose feeling in their hands, feet, and face, so they might not be able to feel hot or cold or touch things like they used to.

People who have leprosy can also get sores and bumps on their skin, and they might not be able to grow hair in those places. Some lepers might lose their fingers, toes, or even their nose or ears, because the bacteria can damage the skin and bones in those parts of the body.

A long time ago, people thought that leprosy was very contagious and that if you touched someone who had leprosy, you would get it too. Because of this, people with leprosy were often treated very badly and were not allowed to be around other people. This made them feel very sad and lonely.

Nowadays, we know that leprosy is not as easy to catch as people once thought, and with medicine, people with leprosy can be treated and cured. So we should be kind to people with leprosy or any other illness, and not treat them badly because they are sick.