ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Les Automatistes

Les automatistes was a group of artists from Canada who believed that art should be free from rules and limitations. They thought that art should come directly from their subconscious minds without any pre-planning or careful thought. They believed that this approach would result in true creativity and originality.

So, imagine you are playing with play-doh. You don't have any idea of what to make, you just start twisting, pulling and pinching it. Suddenly, you create something you never thought you could. That's what Les automatistes did with their art.

The group was founded in 1946 by a group of artists in Montreal, Canada. They wanted to create art that was not influenced by outside forces such as politics, religion or societal norms. Les automatistes believed that art should express the inner feelings and thoughts of the artist.

The artists used a technique called automatic drawing, which involved drawing without thinking. They would put their pen or pencil to the paper and let their subconscious take over. This way, they were able to create truly unique and original art pieces. They did not plan or sketch ahead of time, they let their drawings flow freely.

Les automatistes were known for their abstract style of art. Instead of painting or drawing realistic images, they used bold colors, shapes and lines to create a sense of emotion or feeling. They believed that art should transcend reality and evoke an emotional response from the viewer.

So, in short, Les automatistes were a group of artists who believed in creating art from their subconscious mind without any restrictions or pre-planning. They used a technique called automatic drawing and created abstract artworks that evoked emotion and feeling.